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ZF Wind Power invests 50 million Euro to expand Coimbatore facility

Manufacturing  -  Aug 29,2024  - 

ZF Wind Power Coimbatore, the wind gearbox manufacturing division of ZF Group, plans to invest euro 50 million to expand the production capacity at its facility in Coimbatore to 12 GW from nine GW.

The complex, which is ZF’s largest gearbox plant outside China, has reached a milestone of producing 50 GW of gearboxes.

The current expansion, which will create 225 new work opportunities, is led by both domestic and international demand, fuelled by renewable energy targets.

The factory currently employs more than 1,360 people. The company plans to produce an additional 50 GW in the next five years.

ZF has invested euro 230 million in Coimbatore operations to date. The company is also preparing for both onshore and offshore projects in India. The 12 GW capacity expansion is expected by the end of next year.

Globally ZF has produced 200 GW of wind gearboxes, with the Coimbatore facility accounting for 25 percent.

The  facility also serves as a global service centre for gearboxes up to three MW, with capacity to service about 700 gearboxes annually. It also incorporates advanced technologies and processes to minimise its environmental footprint.

Additionally, a 13.2 MW test bench will become operational by Q1/2025, with full capacity increase to be finalised by Q4/2025.


Company : ZF Wind Power