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Tata Group explores land to establish semiconductor chip assembly unit

Manufacturing  -  Nov 20,2023  - 

As part of its initial efforts to establish a local manufacturing ecosystem, Tata Group is looking at property for the construction of an assembly, testing, monitoring, and packaging (ATMP) facility for semiconductor chips.

Top officials are looking into areas in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Telangana that would work.

For the foreseeable future, the Group will prioritize the ATMP unit above the establishment of a full-fledged fabrication plant.

A 200–250 person internal team has been assembled to work on the project. Tata has also toured a number of locations across three states with the intention of establishing a packaging business there.

A final decision is currently being made. Furthermore, it has already started talking to vendors of semiconductor ATMP equipment.

Tata Group has created a semiconductor assembly and packaging company TATA Outsourced Semiconductor Assembly and Test (OSAT).

Moreover, the state government would provide support, including the type of land, water, electricity and other resources for setting up the proposed unit.

Company : Tata Group