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PDIL floats tender for ash coal to ammonium nitrate plant setup

Chemicals  -  Jun 10,2024  - 

Projects & Development India (PDIL) has invited bids for syngas purification plant for establishing a high ash coal to ammonium nitrate plant at Lakhanpur area of Mahanadi Coalfields in Jharsuguda district, Odisha on lumpsum turnkey (LSTK) basis.

The LSTK contractor will undertake the supply of process license, basic design, detailed engineering, procurement, supply, fabrication, route survey, transportation of all equipment / material to work site, storage, construction and erection of all civil, mechanical, electrical and instrumentation works, assembly and installation, obtaining all necessary statutory approvals, testing, mechanical completion, pre-commissioning, commissioning, sustained load test run, performance guarantee test run.

The scope also includes 120 months of O&M services, total project management and handing over of syngas purification plant and its associated facilities. The last date to submit the bid is 26 August, 2024.


Company : Projects and Development India