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PCM Group announces ethanol and sleeper manufacturing units during Spain trip

Petroleum  -  Sep 19,2023  - 

 A Bengal government delegation led by Chief Secretary H.K. Dwivedi and industry secretary Vandana Yadav visited Travipos, a subsidiary of PCM Railone, a Siliguri-based company, in Constanti, Spain during which the PCM Group of Industries expressed interest in establishing a hotel and two plants in the state.

The PCM Group's chairman, Kamal Kumar Mittal, stated that the business plans to invest Rs 150 crore in Siliguri to build an ethanol plant with a daily capacity of two lakh gallons.

In addition to the present unit in New Jalpaiguri, it plans to invest more than Rs 100 crore in establishing a concrete sleeper manufacturing plant in north Bengal.

“We have operations in 14 countries, including Spain, Germany and West Asia and we are a global leader in manufacturing railway sleepers.... But we have faith in Bengal and that’s why we are headquartered in Siliguri,” Mittal said over the phone.

Besides the ethanol plant and the new sleeper manufacturing unit, the company is also keen to set up a five-star hotel in Siliguri, said Mittal, who is in the delegation travelling with the chief minister.

Company : PCM Railone