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MRPL commissions marketing terminal in Bengaluru

Infrastructure  -  Aug 28,2024  - 

Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals (MRPL) has announced the commissioning of its new marketing terminal in Bengaluru, Karnataka. The facility aims to enhance the availability and distribution of petroleum products such as petrol, diesel, and aviation turbine fuel (ATF) in the region.

As per MRPL’s annual report for 2023-24, the marketing terminal at Devangonthi in Bengaluru would cater to the requirements of petroleum products, primarily in Karnataka. The terminal would receive finished petroleum products through the existing pipeline from MRPL. This terminal would enable supply to retail outlets, customers, and aviation stations in the region.

This new terminal in Bengaluru is a critical investment in MRPL’s mission to provide high-quality fuel to a growing customer base, thereby supporting the region’s economic development.


Company : Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals (MRPL)