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KCP Group plans to expand capacity

Automotive Industries  -  Mar 18,2024  - 

One of the oldest industrial families in Chennai, KCP Group is all set to expand its cement capacity by setting up a new greenfield project.

VL Indira Dutt, chairperson and managing director of KCP Ltd said that the proposed third plant will come up in Andhra Pradesh.

She said that the new plant — once fully functional — would double the cement capacity of the group.

Indira further said the group had sufficient land to house the new project. She indicated that the proposed plant could fructify within 18–24 months.

“People come and go. We have been in the business for a long time, and we shouldn't be worried about who comes in or who goes out." The company, according to Dutt, has confidence in the quality of its product. KCP does not have a brand ambassador. "Our brand speaks for itself," she added.

Company : KCP Group