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Hindustan Copper gives Rs 38 crore work order to SWPE in Rajasthan

Manufacturing  -  Nov 23,2023  - 

Hindustan Copper has awarded a Rs 38-crore order to South West Pinnacle Exploration Ltd (SWPE) for surface exploratory diamond core drilling in Rajasthan.

"We have received a work order from Hindustan Copper Limited for surface exploratory Diamond Core Drilling in the state of Rajasthan. The aggregate value of work is Rs 38 crore including GST," SWPE said in a regulatory filing.

In the mining industry, exploratory Diamond Core Drilling is used to probe the contents of deposits.

South West Pinnacle Exploration Ltd is a leading private exploration services company in India, in the field of mineral and unconventional energy resources.

The company has a drilling capacity between 300 metres to 2,000 metres.

Under the Ministry of Mines, Hindustan Copper is the country's only vertically integrated copper-producing company as it manufactures copper right from the stage of mining to beneficiation, smelting, refining and casting of refined copper metal into downstream saleable products.

Its mines and plants are spread across five units, one each in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, and Gujarat.

Company : South West Pinnacle Exploration