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Ball Beverage to establish Rs 700 crore unit in Telangana

Food Processing  -  Jul 19,2024  - 

Telangana Industries Minister D Sridhar Babu said Ball Beverage Packaging Limited, a company involved in supplying aluminium cans to the beer, soft drink and perfume industry, had evinced interest in setting up a production unit in the State with an investment of Rs.700 crore with employment to be generated for about 500 people.

Ball Beverage Packaging Limited Head of Corporate Affairs Ganesan met the Minister at Secretariat.

During the meeting, Ganesan explained the company’s expansion plan to the Minister and in turn he suggested him to submit a complete investment plan. The Minister assured him that the State government would extend all support, including providing necessary land and other infrastructure for the company.

At present, the beers being sold in cans in the State were being bottled in Maharashtra. The use of tin cans here was less than two percent. On the contrary, the use of cans in the packaging of beer in Karnataka and Maharashtra was about 25 percent, he said.

“By packing 500 ml beer in aluminium cans, the Excise Duty would be reduced and the government will get an additional income of Rs.285 crore annually,” Sridhar Babu said.

Company : Ball Beverage Packaging