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AP fire-hit Foxlink back on track with a new Tamil Nadu plant

Manufacturing  -  May 17,2024  - 

Taiwan’s Foxlink is constructing a plant in Oragadam, near Chennai, as part of a renewed expansion plan since a devastating fire at its facility at Tirupati in Andhra Pradesh last year.

"They are setting up a plant in Oragadam, which is also where Foxconn's plant is, but not in the same premises. They are looking to begin production soon and are considering expanding their portfolio of products," sources said. 

On its website, Foxlink, under the 'Foxconn India presence' tab, continues to state Tirupati as the location for its Indian facility and Chennai as part of its expansion plan. The website also lists that the company has acquired land in Noida.

Foxlink faced a setback after fire ripped through the Tirupati plant in February 2023 causing a partial building collapse. No casualties were reported.

Company : Foxlink