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Amul to double capacity of chocolate plant at Anand

Food Processing  -  Jun 11,2024  - 

The Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) has been working on the capacity expansion of Amul’s chocolate plant at Mogar near Anand, which is in the GCMMF network.

The plant in Gujarat is being expanded to double the volume of chocolates it currently produces.

The chocolate factory which can produce 1,000 tpm of chocolates was inaugurated by PM Narendra Modi in 2018. The complex at Mogar also consists of a 600 tpd take-home-ration plant and a therapeutic food plant with a 600 tonne per capacity.

Currently, the requisite machinery is being installed, and the expansion work is expected to be completed in the next few months.

GCMMF procures most of the cocoa needed for chocolates, ice-creams and other products from Central ArecaNut and Cocoa Marketing and Cooperative Society (CAMPCO) in Karnataka.


Company : Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation