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AM/NS India to build deep draft Greenfield Jetty at Suvali in Gujarat

Infrastructure  -  Oct 30,2023  - 

The joint venture between ArcelorMittal and Nippon Steel, ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India (AM/NS India), said in a statement that it intends to build a Deep Draught Greenfield Jetty at Suvali in Shivrampur village near Hazira with a capacity of 65 million metric tonnes per annum (MMTPA).

“As part of its strategic expansion plans, AM/NS India is in the process of enhancing the production capacity of its integrated steel plant at Hazira from the existing 9.6 MMTPA to 15.6 MMTPA by 2026 and 21 MMTPA by 2030. The planned Greenfield Jetty project at Suvali is envisaged to meet the company’s growing demand for raw materials such as iron ore, limestone and coal, and finished steel handling capacity, necessitated by the expansion,” said the company in official statement.

“AM/NS India’s existing steel plant utilises its shallow water captive jetty as well as a deep draft jetty owned and operated by a group company at Hazira for handling its raw material and finished goods. However, due to infrastructural limitations, the two jetty facilities are facing operational constraints in managing the growing volume of steel plant cargoes,” the company further stated.

Company : ArcelorMittal

Nippon Steel