To encourage investments in the industry as well as in defence production, the State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu (Sipcot) has set aside roughly 125 acres of land at its Manapparai industrial park near Trichy for the construction of an aerospace park.
One of the five nodal cities of the defence industrial corridor in Tamil Nadu is Trichy. The Tamil Nadu Small Industries Development Corporation (Sidco) has also been given access to about 131 acres for the purpose of promoting the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) industry.
The primary organisation responsible for promoting the aerospace park will be Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation (Tidco). Sidco has already paid for the 131 acres of property in Manapparai, and plans are currently being made to divide the land into industrial plots for MSMEs.
A minimum of 20 cents and a maximum of 1 acre of industrial land will be allocated to individual MSMEs for launching production units.