Numaligarh Refinery gives EPCC-1 package for CDU/VDU project to Thyssenkrupp

Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL) has awarded an EPC Contract to Thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions India.

The project is in the range of approximately USD 155 million to execute their 6.0 MMTPA Crude Distillation Unit and Vacuum Distillation Unit with Amine Treating Unit project on LSTK basis at their refinery located in Assam.

As part of Numaligarh Refinery Expansion Project (NREP), NRL is expanding its refining capacity from the current 3 MMTPA to 9 MMTPA by installing a new 6 MMTPA capacity CDU/VDU and associated downstream process units, utility and offsite.

Rajesh Kamath, CEO and Managing Director of Thyssenkrupp’s chemical plant business in India, said, “This is a landmark project for tkIS India and the foundation of a strong pillar in our association with Numaligarh Refinery as it takes its expansion plans forward. This will further foster our position in the Indian market as a leading EPC player in the field of refineries and petrochemicals.”


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