NRL’s bio-refinery with bamboo as feedstock likely to commence operations in 2023

By 2023, Numaligarh Refinery (NRL) hopes to have the bio-refinery with bamboo biomass as feedstock operational. The project is being carried out in collaboration with two European companies.

The joint venture would contribute to India’s goal of 20% ethanol blending in gasoline by 2025 by producing 49,000 tonnes of ethanol and other chemicals once it was operational.

This was said by the government in a statement regarding the best-ever crude throughput of 3.093 million tonnes reported by NRL as well as the distillate yield of 87.6% in 2022–2023.

The 3-MT refinery concluded the financial year “on a positive note with exemplary physical performance which is expected to translate into financial gains and enhanced bottom lines,” it said.

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