Maharashtra JeevanPradhikaran floats tender for Sillod grid water supply scheme

Fonnnr the Sillod grid water delivery system for 107 villages in Sillodtaluka of the Aurangabad district of Maharashtra, the Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran (MJP) has issued an invitation for bids.

The list of tasks includes surveying, building an approach channel, jack wells, and pump houses, as well as an approach bridge and metre room, an approach bund, a raw water rising main, a bridge, and a RW at a river for the RWRM, hill cutting, an overhead pump house, a conventional water treatment facility, a pure water transmission main, pump houses at Talni and Golegaon, a sump, and pump houses for Ghatambri, and Ghatambri, Bodwad, Andhari and Sonappawadi and trial and run for one year.

The anticipated cost of the work is Rs. 549.60 crore, and it would be finished in 18 months.

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