H G Infra Engineering Ltd secures LoA from Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd

Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (“RVNL”) has provided H.G. Infra Engineering Limited (the “Company” or “HGINFRA”) with a letter of acceptance dated April 4, 2023 for the project “Construction of Foundations, Substructure & Superstructure along with River Training / Protection Work, Earthwork & Allied Works for Viaduct 1 & 2 in between Chainage Km 47+415 To Km 50+900” in connection with the B

The project cost for HGINFRA’s bid is Rs. 466.11 crore.

The construction work includes foundations, substructure and superstructure along with river training/protection work, earthwork and allied works for viaduct-I and II between ch km 47+415 to km 50+9000, for a total length of 3.485 km.

The contract, which has a completion period of 30 months, is mandated to commence within 42 days from the date of receipt of LoA.

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