Assam power grid upgrades new Mariani sub-station

Under the North Eastern Region Strengthening Scheme (NERSS-VI) project, Power Grid Corporation upgraded Assam’s New Mariani Sub-station from a 220 kV switching station to a 400/220 kV Sub-station with 2×500 MegaVolt Ampere (MVA) transformation capacity, 2×125 MegaVolt-Ampere (re-active) power compensation, and other associated bays.

The Jorhat District’s New Mariani Sub-station, which has a reactive power compensation capability of 20 MVAR, was commissioned in March 2013.
With this upgrade, communication at 400 kV voltage level has been established between the 400 kV Misa Sub-station, 400 kV New Mariani Sub-station, and 400 kV Kohima Sub-station.


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