Manali Petrochemicals teams up with UK based Econic Technologies

The long-form contract between UK-based Econic Technologies and Manali Petrochemicals Limited (MPL), the sole integrated polyol maker in India and a member of the AM International group, has been executed, according to MPL. The businesses signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) last year to collaborate on the introduction of more CO2-containing, environmentally friendly polyols into the $28 billion global polyols industry.

The long-form is signed, which prepares the ground for the MPL-Econic relationship to begin. It will include a two-year demo scale-up at the MPL Plant One’s 1,300 litre reactor. The next three years will be used by the firm to commercialise CO2 containing polyols and industrially scale up the technology of the 12,000+ reactors at MPL.

Ashwin Muthiah, Chairman, MPL and Founder Chairman, AM International Holdings says, “Science and innovation will play a key role in ensuring that our manufacturing plants implement eco-friendly and cost-efficient technology. MPL’s partnership with Econic Technologies brings significant R&D led improvements to the production process. Alongside delivering a greener product to our customers, it reaffirms our ESG commitment towards a carbon neutral planet”.


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