Kamakshi Sudpack inaugurates flexiblepackaging manufacturing plant at Bavla

KamakshiSudpack has inaugurated its flexible packaging manufacturing plant at Bavla near Ahmedabad.

The plant which has been set up with an investment of Rs 200 crore was inaugurated in the presence of Sudpack’s managing partner CarolinGrimbacher and managing director Tharcisse Carl.

Along with the presence of the managing directors of KamakshiSudpack, Harish Goel and NarendraDhupar, as well as local politicians and VIPs.

As per the official press note issued, the Germany-based Südpack is a leading manufacturer of high-performance films for food, non-food and medical packaging and has invested in KamakshiSüdpack, (formerly KamakshiFlexiprints), a manufacturer of printed flexible packaging materials.

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